Sunday, August 31, 2008

Does Not Play Well With Others

I'm currently involved in a group project. This is a problem. Despite practically demanding the company of others at all times in my life, I do not play well with others. I don't know when this first became apparent to me. I hide it well, but deep down, every time I am involved in a group project I spend most of my time convinced the others will fuck it up, and then being equal parts smug and frustrated when they invariably do.

I blame my mother.* As a child nothing we did was ever good enough. Oh no, not a seeking therapy for feelings of rejection, not good enough. But just that happy level of, 'Oh, you stuffed that up? Yes, well, I expected as much. Move over while I fix it up!' That's normal, right? Right!?

Anyway, my partner in this ill-fated excursion into teamwork is fantastically incompetent. Delete-Microsoft-Word-from-one's-computer-the-day-before-a-deadline style incompetent. So this exercise has done little apart from affirm my smug sense of superiority and further justify my preference for flying solo.

Thus endeth today's insight.

*don't we all?

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